TelecomLive January-2019

BSNL & MTNL Telecom LIVE January 2019 14 BSNL & MTNL All circles are financially down barring Kerala & A&N Table-1: Financial performance of BSNL and MTNL (in Rs crore) Sl State/Circle 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Revenue Exp. P/L Revenue Exp. P/L Revenue Exp. P/L BSNL 1 Kerala 3,059 2,475 584 3,177 2,454 723 2,642 2,268 373 2 Andaman & Nicobar 158 73 85 191 65 126 219 62 158 3 Maharashtra 2,931 3,560 (629) 3,391 3,279 112 3,029 3,044 (15) 4 Jammu & Kashmir 459 448 12 462 432 30 343 375 (33) 5 Chhattisgarh 343 406 (63) 445 419 26 363 437 (74) 6 North East-II 327 407 (80) 195 263 (67) 174 255 (80) 7 Odisha 930 899 31 928 902 27 774 863 (89) 8 Uttarakhand 288 374 (87) 270 360 (90) 240 340 (100) 9 Himachal Pradesh 412 489 (77) 374 429 (55) 291 406 (115) 10 North East-I 204 364 (160) 218 324 (106) 149 271 (122) 11 Haryana 804 869 (64) 800 860 (60) 629 803 (175) 12 Jharkhand 271 513 (241) 435 611 (177) 450 629 (180) 13 Chennai TD 975 1,014 (39) 973 956 17 748 946 (198) 14 Karnataka 2,498 2,441 57 2,312 2,473 (161) 2,080 2,306 (225) 15 Punjab 1,119 1,381 (262) 1,366 1,304 62 1,014 1,267 (253) 16 Assam 469 690 (221) 511 633 (122) 324 629 (305) 17 Bihar 474 979 (505) 550 959 (409) 529 872 (343) 18 Tamil Nadu 2,161 2,491 (330) 2,177 2,357 (180) 1,845 2,246 (401) 19 Kolkata TD 693 1,103 (410) 697 1,029 (332) 567 981 (414) 20 Uttar Pradesh (W) 794 1,208 (413) 763 1,162 (398) 602 1,024 (422) 21 Madhya Pradesh 1,011 1,253 (242) 961 1,199 (238) 704 1,148 (444) 22 West Bengal 580 1,108 (528) 886 1,165 (279) 509 981 (472) 23 Rajasthan 1,354 1,504 (150) 1,196 1,476 (280) 913 1,410 (497) 24 Uttar Pradesh (E) 1,524 2,100 (575) 1,490 1,928 (439) 1,119 1,671 (552) 25 Gujarat 1,501 2,023 (522) 1,521 1,982 (460) 1,229 1,852 (623) 26 Andhra Pradesh 2,572 3,231 (660) 2,617 3,042 (425) 2,143 2,939 (796) Grand Total 27,911 33,403 (5,489) 28,906 32,063 (3,155) 23,629 30,025 (6,397) MTNL 27 Delhi & Mumbai 3,513 6,351 (2,838) 3,552 6,493 (2,941) 3,116 6,089 (2,973) Table-2: Revenue figures of Kerala (Rs Cr) Quarter ending GR AGR Basic Mobile Basic Mobile Jun 2017 147.52 275.90 143.21 246.22 Sep 2017 76.72 225.90 76.54 217.74 Dec 2017 94.45 216.30 84.31 183.36 Mar 2018 21.73 165.64 15.6 150.98 Total 340.42 883.74 319.66 798.30 Total 1,224.16 1,117.96 revenue in the circle is declining. Its revenue was Rs 3,059 crore in FY16, which in FY18 has come down to Rs 2,642 crore. In Andaman Nicobar, there is not much of competition and BSNL's revenue there is going up. It was Rs 158 crore in FY16, which has gone up to Rs 219 crore in FY18. The telecom minister Manoj Sinha has recently tabled this data in the Parliament. However, the above revenue figures of Kerala are not matching with the quarterly figures given by BSNL to Trai (see table-2). of just two circles – Kerala and Andaman Nicobar – all the circles are in big losses (see table-1). In Kerala, despite stiff competition from the private operators, BSNL has shown profits, even though its T he financial perfor- mance of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) continues to deterio- rate. The same is the situation with Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL). With the exception