TelecomLive January-2019

New India@75 55 Telecom LIVE January 2019 could be laid on the auto- matic translation of content into regional languages from Hindi or English. Case studies like those of the European Union, which had similar problems in making content available in the l a n g u a g e s o f memb e r c o u n t r i e s , s h o u l d b e explored to identify models that can potentially be adopted. Availabilityof e-services ¦ Individual ministries and states have to play a pivotal role in ensuring that all their services are available and easily accessible by citizens over di g i t a l p l a t f orms . Di g i t a l pl a t forms , tha t e n a b l e r e a l - t ime d a t a updates, would increase accountability, and facilitate monitoring, quality checks and timely intervention by the higher administrative authorities. Procurement of such digital platforms could be standardized by the central government based on an analysis of successful case studies in India. This would ensure expedited implementation across the country. Ministries / states should also ensure that the services are reliable, safe and available in regional lan- guages as well as in Hindi / English. Cyber security ¦ MeitY will need to evolve a c omp r e h e n s i v e c y b e r security framework for data security, safe digital transac- t i o n s a n d c o m p l a i n t redressal. The National e- governancez division of MeitY should periodically audi t compl i ance of e- services offered by state governments. It should bring out a performance report of e-services with a view to improve service delivery. should also put in place telecom ombudsman for complaint redressal. Quality of service ¦ Adequate spectrum avail- ability is critical to ensure service quality. Efficient spectrum allocation in large contiguous blocks should be explored. We should also explore migration to new technologies which would resolve some of the band- width challenges. Access anddigital literacy ¦ Digital literacy needs special focus at the school / college levels. The National Digital Literacy Mission should focus on introducing digital literacy at the primary school level in all govern- ment schools for basic con t en t and i n h i ghe r classes and colleges for advanced content . The multiplier effects of this mission will be realized when these students in turn e d u c a t e t h e i r f a m i l y members. Higher digital literacy will also increase the adop t i on o f c ompu t e r h a r d w a r e a c r o s s t h e country. Content in Indian languages ¦ State governments should pay special attention to creating content, particu- l ar l y those r e l a t i ng t o government e-services, in Indian regional languages. To fulfil the vision of making all government's online services available in all 22 official languages, there needs to be focused collabo- ration between the centre, states and researchers to promoteNatural Language. Processing (NLP) in Indian l a n g u a g e s . M a c h i n e learning now makes this well within reach. Focus Broadband connectivity ¦ A modified strategy for exped i t i ng the pace o f imp l ement a t i on o f t he Bha r a tNe t pro j ec t was approved on Jul 19, 2017. As part of themodified strategy, the remaining 150,000 GPs are to be connected in Phase- II through a state led model (8 states), private sector model (2 states) and CPSU model (10 states) by using an optimal mix of media (OFC, radio and satellite). Further, about 5,298 GPs located in remote and hilly locations with poor connectivity are being connected on satellite media, so as to provide broadband connectivity to all GPs. The service delivery mechanism, by providing l a s t mi l e c onn e c t i v i t y through WiFi or any other suitable broadband technol- ogy to all GPs, has been made an integral part of the pro j ec t . The pro j ec t i s targeted to be implemented by Mar 2019. In addition, public Wi-Fi hotspots are being set up by BSNL at its 25,000 telephone exchanges in rural areas and Wi-Fi choupals are being set up in 5,000 GPs by CSC-SPV und e r t he Mi n i s t r y o f Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY). ¦ The provision of universal broadband coverage at 50 Mbps to every citizen and the enab l i ng o f 1 00 Mbp s broadband on demand to all key development institu- tions, including educational ins t i tut i ons , are under consideration in the new National Digital Communi- cations Policy, 2018. ¦ Trai should consider putting in place a credible system to track call drops, weak signals and outages to ensure the quality and reliability of telecom services. The results may be put in the public d oma i n . G o v e r nm e n t