TelecomLive January-2019 [ News Bytes ] 59 Telecom LIVE January 2019 in the technology. The first three super- computers will be set up i n I I T B H U , I I T Kharagpur and IIITM Pune. While IIT BHU will g e t a one Pe t a F l op supercomputer, the other two institutes will have 650 Te r a f l op s e a ch . Eventually, CDAC plans to connect all the super- computers to a common grid, which will allow any ins t i tut e access to a supercomputing power, mak i ng the common system among the fastest in theworld. A t o s h a s 3 0 , 0 0 0 emp l oy e e s i n I nd i a , including a large number of R&D engineers, who will design the machines. The company's partners will help manufacture thesemachines in India. Paytm Payments Bank posts Rs 20.7 cr loss in FY18 Paytm Payments Bank registered net loss of Rs 20.7 cr for the fiscal ended Mar 2018. Its total loss stood at Rs 30.7 cr during Aug 22, 2016 to Mar 31, 2017. The total income grew to Rs 721.9 cr in financial year 2018 compared to Rs 2.47 cr in Aug 22, 2016 – Mar 31, 20 1 7 p e r i o d . P a y tm Payment Bank's total expenses for the fiscal were reported as Rs 740 cr. Most of the income of the bank (about Rs 650 cr) is earned as commis- s i o n , e x c h a n g e a n d brokerage, including that earned on wallet utilisa- tion. PaytmPayments Bank, which was incorporated in Aug 2016, formally began its operations in 2017. gence Accelerators in the US and Sweden. Globally, Ericsson will employ over 300 data scientists, data engineers, ML/AI architects and software developers across its Global AI accelerators. RBI slaps Rs 1 cr fine on Indian Bank for violating cyber security norms The RBI has imposed a monetary penalty of Rs 1 cr on Indian Bank for contravention of Circular on Cyber Security Framework in banks. The contravention is with regard to RBI's directions on Frauds Classifica- tion andReporting by Commercial Banks. CDAC and France's Atos sign Rs 4.5 bn deal for supercomputer network C-DAC and France's IT services company Atos signed a three-year industrial contract for designing, building and installing the BullSequana, its high- performance supercomputers, in the country. The contract has been awarded to Atos under the National SupercomputingMission (NSM), a scheme of Rs 4,500 cr, aimed at creating a network of over 70 high-performance supercomputing facilities for various academic and research institutions across India. The mission is sup- posed to be implemented by the Department of Science and Technology a n d D e p a r t me n t o f Electronics and Informa- tion Technology (DeitY), t h r ough C -DAC and I n d i a n I n s t i t u t e o f S c i e n c e ( I I S c ) , Bengaluru. While the first few supercomputers under the contract will have all imported parts, Atos has partnered with Indian contractors to build most of the parts in facilities in Chennai andPune. In the next phase, the supercomputers will not only be manufactured but also be designed by CDAC in India, allowing the country to be self-reliant
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