TelecomLive January-2019
[ News Bytes ] 7 Telecom LIVE January 2019 smartphonemaker OPPO as part of which OPPO will make payments to Nokia for a multi-year license period. Oppo has joined Samsung, Xiaomi and Huawei for using Nokia's intellectual prop- erty in the next five years. More than half of global population now online: ITU Some 3.9 bn people are now using the Internet, meaning that for the first time more than half of the g l oba l popu l a t i on i s o n l i n e , t h e U n i t e d Nations said. The UN agency for information and communication tech- nologies, ITU, said that by the end of 2018 a full 51.2 pc of people around the world will be using the Internet. According to ITU, the world's richest countries have been showing slow and steady growth in Internet use, which has risen from 51.3 pc of their populations in 2005 to 80.9 pc now. The gains have meanwhile been more dramatic in devel- oping countries, where 45.3 pc of people are cur- rently online, compared to just 7.7 pc 13 years ago. Africa has experienced the strongest growth, with a more than 10-fold hike in the number of Internet users over the same period, from 2.1 pc to 24.4 pc, the ITU report showed. The report also showed that while fixed-line tele- phone subs c r i p t i ons con t i nue t o dwi nd l e worldwide, to a current level of just 12.4 pc, the n umb e r o f mo b i l e - cellular telephone sub- scriptions is now greater than the global popula- tions that are centric and relevant to its Indian users. OnePlus zeroed in on Hyderabad as the site for its R&D centre, as the city houses active start up ecosystem and offers a sizeable talent pool. Samsung to hire 1,000 engineers Samsung plans to hire close to 1,000 engineers from India's top technol- ogy colleges including the IITs in 2019. This is in line with the company's proposal to hire 2,500 engineers for R&D by 2020. "The new recruits will work on cutting-edge technology at our three R & D c e n t r e s i n Bengaluru, Noida and Delhi, which have evolved as centres of expertise," Sameer Wadhawan, head of human resources at Samsung India, said. "Artificial intelligence, machine learning, natu- ral language processing analytics, biometrics, 5G are among the areas w h e r e w e w i l l a d d research talent as we continue our commit- ment to make a strong research base in India." Nokia, Oppo ink multi-year patent licence deal Nokia said that it has signed a patent license a g r e e m e n t w i t h tion. And it found that mobile broadband subscrip- tions have skyrocketed from just four subscriptions per 100 inhabitants in 2007 to 69.3 today. There are currently a full 5.3 bn active mobile broadband sub- scriptionsworldwide, ITU found. At the same time, the report said that nearly the entire world population, a full 96 pc, now lives within reach of a mobile cellular network, and 90 pc of people can access the Internet through a 3G or higher speed network. Yamuna Expressway allots land to Vivo for Rs 3,500 cr unit Vivo India has been allotted a 169-acre of land par- cel by the Yamuna Expressway Industrial Authority (YEIDA) to set up a unit in Gautam Buddh Nagar with an estimated investment of Rs 3,500 cr. Vivo already operates froma 50-acre rented set up in Greater Noida where itmanufactures 24 lakhphones annually. The project would create 25,000 jobs within one year. 30 pc of the jobs would be compulsorily given to locals but the skilled and qualified locals would get opportunities beyond that also. The company would require another 200 acre of land during the second phase of expansion during which it would again pump in around Rs 3,500 cr and in the process create about 15,000 jobs.
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