TelecomLive April-2020

Bypassing licensing regime, unfairly 18 Telecom LIVE April 2020 only be permitted. Multi- Operator Radio Access N e t w o r k ( MORAN ) sharing is a form of RAN sharing where only RAN equipment is shared (i.e. not spectrum). The end users of each operator access the services of their respective Mobile N e t w o r k O p e r a t o r (MNO) with the frequen- cies of their respective MNO. 4. The IP-I registration holder should be authorised: a) To provide only such infrastructure items, equipment and systems on lease / rent / sale basis to an eligible service provider for which that Service Provider has an authorization from the government of India, and b) To provide such infra- structure items, equip- ment and systems on mutually agreed terms and conditions to eligible service provider in fair, reasonable and nondis- MSC, HLR, IN etc. The scope of the IP- I Reg i s t rat ion shou l d inc l ude , but not limited to, Right of Way, Duct Space, Optical Fiber, Tower, Feeder cable, Antenna, Base Station, In-Building Solution (IBS), Distributed Antenna System (DAS) , etc., in any part of India. Explanations: 1) It is pertinent to clarify that the permission to wo r k i n f r a s t r u c t u r e items, equipment and systems to IP-I registra- tion holder is only for the purpose of sharing them wi th e l i g i b l e Serv i ce Providers only. In no case, IP-I registration holder would use these working inf ras t ruc ture i t ems , equipment and systems to provide telecommunica- t i on s e r v i c e s t o end customers. 2) As the proposed enhance- ment in the scope of IP-I registration does not include the assignment of licensed spectrum to IP-I, MORAN sharing would 1. The scope of Infrastructure Providers Category-I (IP-I) Re g i s t r a t i on s hou l d b e expanded t o sa t i s f y the present need for telegraph in the country. 2. Any Service Provider who has a valid authorization from the gove rnment o f Ind i a t o establish, maintain, and work a telegraph to deliver Tele- communication Services, within any part of the country, shall only be eligible to obtain such a telegraph infrastruc- ture on lease / rent / purchase basis from IP-I registration holders. Hereinafter, these service providers have been referred to as eligible service providers. 3. The expanded scope of the IP- I registration should include to own, establish, maintain, and work all such infrastruc- ture items, equipment, and systems which are required for establishing Wireline Access Network, Radio Access Network (RAN) and Trans- mission Links. However, it shall not include core network elements such as Switch, Trai's recommendations parameters can also be main- tained separately. There is a requirement of telecom resources like end to end transmission bandwidth and dark fibers by different types of telecommunication service providers like VNOs, Cloud Service Providers, Multi-System Operator (MSOs), Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), M2M connectivity providers etc. for building their networks. Other Service Providers (OSPs) regis- tered by DoT for providing application services like tele- banking, telemedicine, tele- trading, e-commerce, call centers etc. also require these type of telecom resources for intercon- necting their OSP centers and providing their services. Presently all these requirements are catered to by licensed Telecom Service Providers. The IP-I providers are not allowed to provide even passive infrastructure resources to anyone else other than licensed TSPs. Trai has recommended that IP- I may be permitted to provide the infrastructure and end-to-end bandwidth through leased lines to different category of telecommu- nication service providers such as VNOs, MSOs etc. as they are licensed/ permitted/ registered with DoT / I&B ministry for providing telecommunication services and creating their own infrastructure. Other telecommu- nication service providers such as Cloud Service Providers, M2M connectivity providers etc., who are presently not licensed / registered with DoT, may also become eligible to get infrastruc- ture services from IP-I as and and shared by IP-I as well as TSPs, the active infrastructure creation and sharing is permitted to telecom licensees only based on the mutual agreements entered amongst them. Presently, it is limited to antenna, feeder cable, Node B, Radio Access Network (RAN) and transmission system only. The IP-I can install the active elements (limited to antenna, feeder cable, Node B, Radio Access Network (RAN) and transmission media only) also for and on behalf of Telecom Licens- ees. However, with technological advancement, it has become possible to share antenna, feeder cable, and transmission equip- ment by various mobile service providers while still using their own allocated spectrum. The quality of service and other