TelecomLive April-2020

Covid-19 25 Telecom LIVE April 2020 medical institutions such as Beijing Union, Beijing Chao-Yang and Wuhan Oncology hospitals. In Wuhan's Huoshenshan (Fire God Mountain) Hospital, a temporary facility built exclusively to battle T o fight Covid-19, the biggest challenge the Chinese government faced was its vast landscape, large, highly mobile population, and demand for resources. The government was helped by the telecom operators in China who worked with Huawei to set up a specific 5G network dedicated to hospitals treating Covid-19 patients. Throughout the coronavirus outbreak, 5G remote consultation has had clinical trials in multiple locations. At Wuhan Union Hospital, a 5G remote consulta- tion platform, is hosting daily appointments with patients in different campuses, enabling them to connect with experts at leading 5G combating Covid-19 in China Part-2 Diagram-1: 5G remote medical consultation platform