TelecomLive April-2020 [ News Bytes ] 55 Telecom LIVE April 2020 (UPI) at stores run by 'verifiedmerchants'. The new limit will be applicable for other high- t i c k e t t r a n s a c t i o n s including investment in the capital market, bill collections, insurance p r emi ums , and p r e - approved disbursements. This will not apply for peer-to-peer transfers. NPCI also told banks to ma k e t he “ r e qu i s i t e changes on the mobile app and application sys- tems.” The move will likely boost the business of digital payment plat- forms, including home- grown majors PhonePe and Paytm. The online platforms have recently extended their financial services including insur- ance and incorporated mutual funds on their respective applications. With 132 crore trans- actions, UPI scaled a new high in Feb Digital payments got a fresh boost in February with UPI touching a new high in terms of transac- tion value and volumes. NPCI revealed that UPI transactions touched 132.32 cr, involving Rs 2.2 lakh cr. This is a sig- nificant jump from Janu- ary, when UPI transac- tions stood at 130.5 cr amounting toRs 2.16 lakh cr. This comes at a time wh e n t h e NPC I h a s launched a fresh cam- paign to target a broader audience with access to a smartphone and a bank account. The findings of a pre-campaign study con- ducted among 12,800 people in four zones showed that awareness of UPI is at 60 pc. UPI had f i r s t f l a g g e d OneAudience's behaviour to Facebook as part of its d a t a a b u s e b o u n t y programme. Facebook, and other affected com- p a n i e s , t h e n t o o k enforcement measures against OneAudience. In November last year, Facebook and Twitter admitted that data of hundreds of users was improperly accessed by some third-party apps on Google Play Store as they logged into those apps. Security researchers discovered that the One Audience and Mobiburn software development k i t s ( SDK) prov i ded access to users' data, i n c l u d i n g e m a i l addresses, usernames and recent tweets, on both the platforms. DataCore launches R&D center in India; largest after Florida US based sof tware storage firm DataCore plans to set up a global R&D centre in Bengaluru, which will be its largest center globally after the US. The center in India, is expected to be ready in the next 12 months and will cater to clients across theUS andEMEA region. NPCI to double the UPI transaction limit; users can withdraw up to Rs 2 lakh The Na t i ona l Pay- ments Corporation of India (NPCI) is all set to raise the transaction cap fromRs 1 lakh toRs 2 lakh in order to push the digi- tal payment system in the country. The transaction limit will be doubled starting from FY21 for payments through Uni- fied Payment Interface crossed 100 cr transactions in October last year, a major milestone for the payment service, which was launched in 2016. On the other hand, Transactions through the Imme- diate Payment Service (IMPS), however, declined. In all, 24.78 cr transactions, involving Rs 2.14 lakh cr, took place through IMPS in February. In comparison, IMPS touched a record high of 25.95 cr transactions in January, totallingRs 2.16 lakh cr. Transactions through the BHIM app also scaled a new high in January, the latest month for which data is available. BHIM processed 1.85 cr transactions in January, totalling Rs 6,611 cr. In contrast, 1.78 cr transactions, amounting to Rs 6,316 cr, took place in December 2019. Oyo to cut about 5,000 jobs in broad overhaul, highest reductions in China OyoHotels plans to cut its global workforce by about 5,000 to 25,000 people, with the deepest reductions in China after business there crumbled in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. The firm intends to fire about half its 6,000 direct full-time staff in the country. Of the remaining 4,000 so-called discretionary workers - hired in support areas such as call centers and clients' hotels - a portion will be temporarily laid off but invited back once busi-
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