TelecomLive April-2020 [ News Bytes ] 56 Telecom LIVE April 2020 said that the approval for DLF is "subject to the condi- tion that the letter of approval for setting up of units would be issued only after the requirement of contigu- ity of the SEZ is fulfilled by the developer as per the relevant rules and instructions." Researchers discover unfixable security flaw in Intel chips Security researchers have uncovered a vulnerability in Intel chips which could potentially allow compro- mise at the hardware level. Researchers at Positive Technologies revealed that the vulnerability in the ROM of the Intel Converged Security and Manage- ment Engine (CSME) is impossible to fix as it is hard- coded in the Mask ROM of microprocessors and chipsets. As Engadget notes, the CSME is the first thing that runs when you boot up your computer. Before it pro- tects its ownmemory, there's a brief moment when it is vulnerable and this is when hackers could launch a DMA transfer to that RAM, hijacking code execution. The flaw applies to machines with Intel chips built over the last five years or so. Intel was notified of the vulnerabilities and released mitigations in May 2019 to be added into firmware updates for motherboards and computer systems. FinMin flags 17 'areas of dissatisfaction' with Infosys-designed GSTN The finance ministry has flagged 17 'areas of dissat- isfaction' with Infosys-designed GST Network, includ- ing transition issues for taxpayers in J&K, Aadhaar verification and lack of scalability of server. The other areas which the ministry has flagged as "unresolved or late resolved" with Infosys include delay in providing software for blocking of e-way bill generation in cases of non-filers of GSTR-3B. Besides, new supply code for point of sale outside India or deploying a feature that would allow assigning registration application to the same jurisdictional officer after past rejection (a decision on which had been taken in early 2019), were also flagged by the ness recovers. The staffing reductions are up sharply from an envisioned reduction of about 5 pc of Chinese employees prior to the epidemic, which abruptly chilled travel across the world's no. 2 economy. It also follows the dismissal of 12 pc of its 10,000 staff in its home country India. The restructuring in China is in line with the global restructuring exer- cise announced in Janu- ary 2020. Overall, about 30 pc of Oyo's Chinese w o r k f o r c e w i l l b e impacted by this restruc- turing exercise. Govt approves TCS, DLF proposals to set up SEZs for IT in Haryana, UP The government has approved the proposals of TCS and realtymajor DLF to set up special economic zones (SEZs) for IT sector in Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. The approval was given by the Board of Approval, the highest decision-making body for SEZs, in its meeting held on February 26 in New D e l h i . T h e i n t e r - m i n i s t e r i a l b o d y i s chaired by the commerce secretary. TCS has proposed to set up an IT/ITeS SEZ in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, on 19.9 hectares land. The total proposed invest- ment for the project is Rs 2,434 cr. Similarly, the two pro- p o s a l s o f DL F a l s o received nod from the board. DLF has proposed to set up two SEZs in Haryana. The proposed investments for these projects are Rs 794 cr and Rs 762 cr. However, the board ministry. Infosys, which in 2015 won the contract for man- aging backend for GST Network (GSTN), has drawn flak from the min- i s t r y o v e r t h e t e c h glitches, some of them have been unresolved for almost two years. The finance ministry has sought an urgent resolution plan from the software giant to address these tech glitches and the 17 areas have been highlighted by the gov- ernment. EU proposes 'right to repair' legislation to curb e-waste The European Com- mission has proposed 'right to repair' legislation for electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, tablets and laptops in a bid to curb e-waste. The move is to restrict single- use products and counter the early obsolescence of produc t s to enhance sustainability. The pro- posal is part of the EU's circular economy action plan of carbon neutrality by 2050. “ Commi s s i o n w i l l propose a revision of EU consumer law to ensure that consumers receive trustworthy and relevant information on products a t the po int o f sa l e , including on their life- span and on the availabil- ity of repair services, spare parts and repair manuals. The Commis- sion will also consider further strengthening consumer protec t ion against green washing and premature obsoles- cence, setting minimum r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r s u s t a i n a b i l i t y l abe l s / l ogos and f or
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