TelecomLive April-2020
[ News Bytes ] 8 Telecom LIVE April 2020 "We are investors in the United States in the energy sector and have invested $7 bn towards that," Mr Ambani told Trump who immediately replied: "$7 bn, yeah, big one." President Trump then asked him: "You're doing 4G. Are you going to do 5G too?" Mr Ambani said that Reliance Jio is the only network in the world that doesn't have a single Chinese equipmentmanufacturer for the 5G trials. To this, President Trump chuckled: "That's good! Put a bid in one?" Trump helped Apple begin its India retail journey: Cook Revealing for the first time that US President Donald Trump batted for Apple to help it get a strong retail foothold in India, the company's CEO Tim Cook has said that the US administration has worked in Apples favour to help it gain further ground in world's second largest smartphonemarket. After President Trump visited India on February 24-25, Cook also announced that Apple is set to open its first branded retail store in the country in 2021 and open an online exclusive online store this year. In an interview with Fox Business, Mr Cook said: "I see India as a huge opportunity for us. For years, we could not enter there unless we entered there with a partner into retail and we did not want to do that. We wanted tomaintain control of our brand and so forth". "The (Trump) administration worked on this with the Indian government and that change has beenmade and so we are very positive on entering there online this year and in retail next year," he told the showhost. WiFi on flights allowed, govt notifies new rules WiFi on flights will now be allowed in India for internet services upon permission from the pilot-in- command and the gadget is to be used in flight mode, with the government finally notifying rules for this. “The pilot-in-command may permit the access of internet services by passengers on board an aircraft through WiFi on board w h e n l a p t o p , sma r t phone , t a b l e t , smartwatch, e-reader or a point of sale device is used in flight mode or airplane mode. Provided that the director general shall certify the aircraft for usage of internet in flight through WiFi on board subject to proce- dures as specified in this b e h a l f , ” t h e l a t e s t notificationnowsays. The rules notified say the pilot-in-command may permit the use of cellular telephones by passengers of a flight “after the aircraft has landed and cleared active runway, except when the landing takes place in low visibility conditions as may be determined by the director general.” Vodafone, TIM get conditional EU approval for tower deal Vodafone and Telecom Italia (TIM) have secured conditional EU antitrust a p p r o v a l t o c r e a t e Europe's biggest mobile towers company, part of a s t r a t e g y t o r o l l o u t lucrative 5G services. T h e c o m p a n i e s announced a plan last July to create Italy's largest mobile towers g r o u p t h r o u g h t h e transfer of Vodafone's Italian mobile masts to INWIT, TIM's 60 pc- owned subsidiary. When the 10-bn-euro ($11.2 bn) merger is c omp l e t e , T IM a n d Vodafone will each have a 37.5 pc stake and equal governance rights in the enlarged INWIT. I n F e b r u a r y t h e t e l e c oms p r o v i d e r s offered to give rivals people, including a judge and law enforcement officers. The carriers provided a c c e s s t o c u s t ome r l o c a t i o n d a t a t o "aggregators" who then resold information to services such as Securus, according to the regula- tor. 5G network available in 378 cities globally: Study C o m m e r c i a l 5 G networks has so far been deployed in 378 cities a c r o s s 34 c oun t r i e s globally by January 2020, Viavi Solutions said in a report. A c c o r d i n g t o t h e report, South Korea with 85 cities has the maxi- mum 5G availability in the world, followed by China available in 57 cities and the US with 50 5G-enabled cities. The UK b a g s t h e f o u r t h position with availability in 31 cities. You've done a great job on 4G, energy: Trump to Mukesh Ambani Commending Reliance Indus t ries Ltd (RIL) CMDMukesh Ambani for t rans forming Indi a ' s telecom sector and his strategic investment in the energy sector in the US, President Donald Trump invited him to invest in his tax-friendly country. "Great job you have d o n e . T h a n k y o u , " President Trump told Mr Ambani who briefed him about the RIL investment in the US and Ind i a bus iness at the CEO roundtable event organ- ised at the US Embassy in Delhi.
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