TelecomLive April 2024

Semiconductor Plants 60 TelecomLIVE April 2024 Semiconductor Plants UP govt comes out with policy to attract investment sustained growth of the semicon- ductor ecosystem in the state. It will act as a Single Window for engagement with all ecosystem stakeholders. To manage the tive implementation of the Uttar Pradesh Semiconductor Policy 2024 . The agency sha l l be responsible for creating a condu- cive policy environment for the Nodal Agency UP Electronics Corporation Ltd, a Nodal Agency under the Department of IT & Electronics, will be responsible for the effec- Abstract of the Policy semiconductor units. Also, the state government will ass i s t compani es se t t ing up semiconductor units in skills and training, in addition to establishing a research and development centre alongwith the centre of excellence. For the implementation of the policy, the IT and electronics department would be the nodal agency and a policy implementa- tion unit would be set up under the chairpersonship of additional chief secretary/ principal secretary of IT and electronics department. The subsidies under the policy include 50 per cent on capital as approved by the Central govern- ment and an interest subsidy of 5 per cent per annum for units investing up to Rs 200 crore through loans obtained from s chedu l ed bank s / f i nanc i a l institutions, with a maximum repayment period of 7 years and a maximum repayment of up to Rs 1 crore per unit per year. Besides, units investing up to a maximum of Rs 7 crore can avail the interest subsidy. The investors will also get rebates on land rates. Investors will also be totally exempted from electricity duty for 10 years. UP has become the fourth state to have a semiconductor policy after Gujarat, Odisha and Tamil Naidu. ttar Pradesh (UP) U g o v e r nmen t ha s come out with its S e m i c o n d u c t o r Policy, 2024. The policy aims to accelerate the expansion of the electronics manufacturing and innovation landscape in the state. The policy promotes massive subsidies as well as exemptions for investors on setting up semicon- ductor units in the state. The companies investing in the state will get significant subsidies on capital, interest and land along with exemptions and relief from stamp duty, registration fees, and electricity duty in establishing