TelecomLive April 2024

Semiconductor Plants 61 TelecomLIVE April 2024 may apply and avail benefits under UP 1T/ ITeS Policy 2022. Eligible Investment i. Semiconductor Fabs: Fiscal support as percentage of project cost shall be limited to the activities defined under section 2.12 of the Guidelines issued for Modified Scheme for setting up of Semiconduc- tor Fabs in India by theMeitY, Government of India dated May 29, 2023, as amended fromtime to time. ii. D i s p l a y F a b s : F i s c a l support as percentage of project cost shall be limited to the activities defined under section 2.12 of the Guidelines for Modified Scheme for Setting up of Display Fabs in India by the MeitY, Govern- ment of India dated May 29, 2023, as amended from time to time. iii. A TMP / O S A T : F i s c a l support as a percentage of capital expenditure shall be l imi ted to the ac t i v i t i es defined under section 2.11 of the Guidelines for Modified Scheme for Setting up of ATMP/ OSAT facilities in India by the MeitY, Govern- ment of India dated June 30, 2023, as amended from time to time. Terms&Conditions This policy cannot be dove- tailed with any other policy/ scheme in the state. However, with the schemes/ policies of the Government of India, dovetailing shall be allowed. All incentives specified in this policy may be availed in addition to the incen- tives available under any scheme/ policy of the Government of India. Incentives/ Subsidies offered by GoUP will be subject to an overall ceiling of 100 per cent of the total eligible project cost approved by Government of India. Ca p i t a l e x p e nd i t u r e s o r investments already accounted for in the project cost of the Industries, Commercial Tax, Energy, irrigation, Housing Department, Labor, and as per requirement may include Addi- tional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary of other Departments/ CEOs of Industrial Development Authorities, etc as and when required. The Empowered Committee constituted under the policy shall decide upon the extension/ Amendments of the policy. PolicyPeriodandCoverage The UP-Semiconductor Policy 2024 is valid for five years from the date of its notification. The policy covers the entire state. Investment shall be permitted starting from the date of notifica- tion of the policy. Entities benefit- ing f rom the Scheme mus t commit to maintaining their commercial production opera- tions for aminimumof three years from the commencement date of the entire project's commercial production, and they are required to furnish a formal undertaking to that effect. EligibilityCriteria The project which has been qualified under any of the follow- ing schemes of India semiconduc- tor Mission (ISM) of the Govern- ment of India shall be eligible under this policy. i. Scheme for setting up of Semiconductor Fabs in India ii. Scheme for setting up of Display Fabs in India iii. Scheme for setting up of Compound Semiconductors/ Silicon Photonics Sensors Fab and Semiconductor Assem- bly, Testing, Marking, and Packaging (ATMP)/ OSAT facilities in India. iv. Any o t he r s uch s imi l a r s c h eme wh i c h i s b e i n g amended or proposed by the Government of India. v. Projects approved under Design Linked Incentives or related to Fab-less activities will not be eligible under this policy; however, the investor Single Window operations, Nodal Agency will set up a dedicated Project Management Unit (PMU) a d e q u a t e l y s t a f f e d w i t h outsourced professionals and consu l t ant s to suppor t the Government. Policy Implementation Unit (PIU) A PIU under the chairmanship of Principal Secretary/ Additional Chief Secretary, Department of IT & Electronics shall be set up to oversee the work of the Nodal Agency. PIU shall be responsible for the effective implementation of the Policy including making recommendations to the Empow- ered Committee. PIU shall be responsible for examining and recommending the investment proposals to the Empowered C omm i t t e e f o r n e c e s s a r y approval. This committee shall consist of members nominated by ACS/PS from Industrial Development Department, State Tax Depart- ment, Stamp and Registration, IT & Electronics, Finance, Housing Department, Labor, and as per requirement may include mem- bers of other Departments/ Industrial Development Authori- ties, etc as andwhen required. EmpoweredCommittee (EC) A s tat e- l eve l Empowered Committee under the chairman- ship of the Chief Secretary shall be set up to monitor the effective implementation of the Policy. The charter of the committee shall be pe r t a i n i ng t o the e f f ec t i ve implementation of the policy and inter-departmental coordination with respect to timely resolution of investor issues at all levels. All projects applying under the policy will be subject to approval from the Cabinet on the recommenda- tions of the Empowered Commit- tee. This committee shall consist of ACS/ PS from the Industrial Development Department, State Tax Department, IT & Electron- ics, Finance, Planning, Small