TelecomLive April 2024
Calling Name Presentation 65 TelecomLIVE April 2024 name appearing in the CAF. 14. The 'preferred name' could be the 'trademark name' registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, or the 'trade name' registered with the GST Council, or any other such unique name duly registered with the Govern- ment, provided that the subscriber entity is able to present the necessary docu- ments to prove the owner- ship of suchname. 15. DoT s hou l d f o rmu l a t e guidelines for documents to be provided by subscriber entities holding bulk con- nections and business con- nections for registering their 'preferred name' with the access service providers. DoT should also stipulate necessary guidelines for preventing any misuse of this facility. 16. A new term 'Calling Name (CNAM)' should be included in the Annexure-I of the UnifiedLicense as below: “Calling Name (CNAM) means the name identity of the calling/ originating sub- scriber as per the Customer Application Form (CAF) or any other identification as may be prescribed by the Licensor fromtime to time.” 17. A new term 'Calling Name P r e s e n t a t i o n ( CNAP ) ' should be included in the Annexure-I of the Unified License as below: “Calling Name Presentation (CNAP) means presentation of the CNAM to the called party by the terminating service provider.” 18. The authority recommends that the following provision should be included in the relevant telecommunication service licenses: “The Licensee will ensure that calling name presenta- tion (CNAP) supplementary service is provided as per the guidelines issued by the Licensor fromtime to time.” tary service should be imple- mented using a technical model as outlined below: (i) The originating access service provider sends the CNAM data over the signaling path to the terminating access service provider. (ii) Intermediate networks transmit the CNAM data as received. (iii) The terminating access s e r v i c e p r o v i d e r receives the CNAM da t a and pr e s en t s CNAM to the called party. 10. The Authority recommends that prior to the implemen- tation of CNAP supplemen- tary service on pan-India basis in Indian telecommu- nication network, a trial and assessment of the imple- mentation of CNAP supple- mentary service should be conducted in one LSA with subscriber base of each telecom service provider in the LSA. 11. After acceptance of these recommendations, the Gov- e r nme n t s hou l d i s s u e appropriate instructions for making CNAP feature avail- able in all devices sold in India after a suitable cut-off date, say after six months fromthe date of notification. 12. The Authority recommends that in case of telephone calls originating from 140 level numbers allocated to registered telemarketers, and any other number series a l l o c a t e d f o r ma k i n g transactional or service related calls, the name infor- mation of the subscriber entity should, invariably, be presented to the called party. 13. The subscriber entities hold- ing bulk connections and b u s i n e s s c o n n e c t i o n s should be given the facility of presenting their 'pre- ferred name' in place of the supp l emen t a r y s e r v i c e should be implemented in the Indian telecommunica- tion network using a techni- calmodel as outlined below: (i) Each access service provider establishes and operates a data- base containing sub- scriber's name against the telephone number of its subscribers. (ii) At the time of receiving a telephone call, based on the telephone num- ber of the calling party, the terminating access service provider que- ries its Local Number Portability Database (LNPD) to determine the originating access service provider of the telephone call. (iii) In case the terminating access service provider and the originating access service provider of the telephone call are the same, the terminat- ing access service pro- vider queries its own calling name (CNAM) database, retrieves the CNAM information, a n d p r e s e n t s t h e CNAM to the called party. (iv) However, in case the originating access ser- vice provider of the telephone call is differ- ent from the terminat- ing access service pro- vider, the terminating access service provider que r i e s t he CNAM database of the origi- nating access service provider, retrieves the CNAM information a n d p r e s e n t s t h e CNAM to the called party. 9. At a later stage, as and when the CS core networks are phased out from Indian telecommunication net- work, the CNAP supplemen-
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