TelecomLive April 2024
Trai recommendations on Embedded SIM 66 TelecomLIVE April 2024 The implementation of these recommendations will promote orderly growth in the M2M eSIM segment of the telecom sector in India and will stimulate the development of a home-grown M2M eSIM ecosystem in the country, thus enabling the growth of modern M2M communication, the authority further said. rai has come out with its T recommendations on 'Usage of Embedded SIM for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications'. The recommendations are aimed at s t r eaml i n i ng the r egu l a t or y landscape of M2M embedded SIM (eSIM) in India. The recommendations has laid emphasis on ensuring security by way of proper Know Your Cus- tomer (KYC), which is essential for en s u r i ng ne two r k s e c u r i t y , mitigating fraud risks and enhanc- ing the overall integrity of theM2M eSIM ecosystem. Trai has also recommended a framework for profile switching of eSIMs and swapping of SM-SR. This will provide significant flexibility to the M2M eSIM users and will promote healthy competition in the sector, the authority stated. Trai recommendations Embedded SIM for M2M communications own and manage SM-SRs in the country: (i) Unified Access Ser- vice License holder; (ii) Unified License (Ac- cess Service Authori- zation) holder; (iii)Unified License (Ma- ch i ne - t o -Mach i ne A u t h o r i z a t i o n ) holder; (iv) Unified License for VNO (Access Service A u t h o r i z a t i o n ) holder; (v) Unified License for VNO (Machine-to- Machine Authoriza- tion) holder; and (vi) The companies hold- ing M2MSP Registra- tion with a specific permission to own andmanage SM-SR in India. The recommended addi- tional terms and condi- ity recommends that all com- munication profiles on any M2M eSIM f i t t ed i n an imported device on interna- t i ona l roaming in Indi a should be mandatorily con- verted/ reconfigured into communication profiles of Indian telecom service pro- viders within a period of six months from the date of acti- vation of international roam- ing in India on such M2M eSIM or on change of owner- ship of the device, whichever is earlier. 2. The switch-over of the com- munication profile on M2M eSIMs from one licensed TSP to another TSP should be driven by the concerned OEM of the devices containing M2MeSIMs. 3. The Authority recommends that – (a) The following entities should be permitted to 1. Earlier, through the recom- mendation No.5.7(b) of the recommendations on 'Spec- trum, Roaming and QoS re l at ed requi rement s in Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Commun i c a t i ons ' da t ed 05.09.2017, Trai had recom- mended that “Devices fitted with eUICC shall be allowed in opera- tion in roaming for maxi- mum three years from the date of activation of roam- ing in the network of Indian TSP and mandatorily con- verted/ reconfigured into Indian TSP's SIMwithin the stipulated period or on change of ownership of the device, whichever is earlier. The Authority/ Licensor shall review the condition based on the developments and requirements”. Based on a review of the said recommendation, the Author- Summary of recommendations
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