TelecomLive April 2024
Trai recommendations on Embedded SIM 67 TelecomLIVE April 2024 specifications and should be completed within a period of three months from the date of receipt of the formal request from the concerned OEM/ M2MSP. 6. The M2MSP reg i s t rant / telecom service licensee, whose SM-SR controls M2M eS IMs i n I nd i a , shou l d mandatorily facilitate switch- ing of its SM-SR with the SM- SR of another entity, eligible to hold SM-SR in India, upon the request of the concerned OEM/ M2MSP. Such SM-SR switching should be carried out as per the GSMA's specifi- cations and should be com- pleted within a period of six months from the date of receipt of the formal request from the concerned OEM/ M2MSP. 7. The Authority recommends that keeping in view the chal- lenges in its implementation, the use of 901.XX IMSI series allocated by ITU-TSB to Indian entities should not be permitted for providing M2M services in India, at this stage. The Authority will monitor the developments in the M2M communication services eco- system and may review this recommendation at an appro- priate time. 8. The M2M eSIMs with global IMSIs assigned to foreign entities should be treated like foreign M2M eSIMs working in international roaming in India, and all restrictions imposed on foreign M2M eSIMs working in interna- t i ona l roaming in Indi a should also be applied on the M2M eSIMs fitted with global IMSIs assigned to foreign entities. 9. The Government, through Telecom Engineering Centre (TEC), the technical arm of DoT, may examine the possi- bility of devising a standard process for device-to-device transfer of profiles on con- sumer eSIMs. the existing (foreign) SM-SR, if the foreign SM- SR is GSMA-SAS security certified; or (ii) p r o f i l e down l o ad from the SM-DP of the Indian TSP to the M2M eSIMs through the new (Indian) SM- S R , a f t e r SM- S R switch from foreign to Indian. (b) To implement the recom- mendation (a) (i) above, Do T s h o u l d i n c l u d e enabling provisions for permitting the integration of the SM-DP of Indian TSP with the foreign SM- SR in the relevant tele- communication service licenses viz. - (i) Unified Access Ser- vice License; (ii) Unified License (Ac- cess Service Authori- zation); (iii)Unified License (Ma- ch i ne - t o -Mach i ne Authorization); (iv) Unified License for VNO (Access Service Authorization); and (v) Unified License for VNO (Machine-to- Machine Authoriza- tion). (c) The Authority will moni- tor the development of the M2M communication services ecosystem and may review this recom- mendation at an appro- priate time. 5. The Authority recommends that the M2MSP registrant/ telecom service licensee, whose SM-SR controls M2M eSIMs in India, should not refuse integration of its SM- SR with the SM-DP of the licensed telecom service pro- vider, whose profiles are to be added in such M2M eSIMs, upon the request of the con- cerned OEM/ M2MSP. The integration of SM-SR with SM-DP should be carried out in accordance to the GSMA's tions to be imposed on M2MSP registrants for granting permission to own and manage SM- SR in India are enclosed of these recommendations. These additional terms and conditions should be included in the DoT's 'Guidelines for Registra- tion process of M2M Ser- vice Providers (M2MSP) &WPAN/WLANConnec- tivity Providers for M2M Services' dated 8.2.2022 (as amended). DoT may include other conditions, as deemed fit. (b) Each SM-SR site should b e G S M A S e c u r i t y Accreditation Scheme for Subscription Manage- ment (SAS-SM) certified. The holders of SM-SR should submit a copy of the GSMA SAS-SM certif- i c a t e t o DoT b e f o r e operationalizing any SM- SR in India. (c) DoT should include suit- able provisions in the relevant license/ authori- zation/ registration to enable the entities hold- ing SM-SRs in India to interface their SM-SRs with the SM-DPs held by the licensed telecom ser- vice providers in the coun- try, upon the request of the concerned OEMs/ M2MSPs. 4. The Authority recommends that – (a) for installation of profiles of Indian TSPs on M2M eSIMs fitted in the devices imported in India, the c onc e rned OEM and M2MSP should be given the flexibility to choose between the following options under the GSMA framework for remote SIMprovisioning - (i) p r o f i l e down l o ad from the SM-DP of the Indian TSP to the M2M eSIMs through
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