TelecomLive April 2024
New Broadcasting Policy 68 TelecomLIVE April 2024 sector in India, embracing new and emerging technologies. The paper highlights pertinent issues prevalent in broadcasting sector with an objective of making India a 'Global Content Hub'. It also raises questions on the policy and regulatorymeasures and the strate- gies to be adopted for increasing the contribution to the economy through universal reach, fostering innovation with focus on R&D, facilitating job creation, skill devel- opment and start-up promotion. elecom Regulatory Author- T ity of India (Trai) has come out with a consultation paper titled “Inputs for formula- tion of National Broadcasting Pol- icy-2024”. Trai aims to set a vision and strategy for the development and growth of the broadcasting New Broadcasting Policy Trai issues consultation paper proliferation of television and radio broadcasting services provided by the public service broadcaster in fulfilment of its mandate? Various Segments of the Sec- tor 7. What policy measures and regulatory aspects should be adopted in the NBP to nudge the growth of Indian regional content through OTT plat- forms? 8. What new strategies and mea- sures should be envisaged in the policy for the film industry to enhance audience engage- ment, infrastructure develop- ment, upskilling artists, reduce piracy, increase foreign direct inves tment or any other a s p e c t ? Wh a t s t e p s a r e required to make India a pre- ferred filming destination? 9. Online gaming being a rising sector holds potential for con- tributing to economy, what policy and regulatory aspects should be adopted for the orderly growth of online gam- ing in India? Further, suggest measures to support local game developers to compete and grow. Also suggest safe- guards to protect general pub- lic (especially underage play- ers) from negative and psycho- logical side effects, while pro- moting healthy gaming. 10. What further steps and initia- tives should be adopted by the Central and State Govern- ments and the industry for the development; iv. Promotion of innovation led Start-ups and SMEs; v. Any other related area/ strategy Please elaborate with detailed reasoning. I nd i a a s a Con t en t and UplinkingHub 4. What other policy and regula- tory measures should be adopted in the policy for cre- ation and expansion of quality Indian content to make India the 'Global Content Hub'? Further, suggest how to extend support to local talents and content developers in terms of training, infrastructure and incentives. Provide your com- ments with detailed explana- tion. 5. Suggest the measures to pro- mote the uplinking of televi- sion channels owned by for- eign companies from India, which is now permitted by the Government to make India an 'UplinkingHub'. Public ServiceBroadcasting 6. What broad guiding principles, measur e s and s t r a t eg i e s should be considered in the NBP to strengthen India's public service broadcaster (i.e. Prasar Bharati) to promote quality content creation, dis- semination of DD and AIR channels and maximizing its global outreach? Also suggest, what support and measures should be provided for the 1. Stakeholders are requested to provide their inputs in framing the Preamble, Vision, Mission and Broad Objectives for the formulation of the National Broadcasting Policy (NBP). Economy Measures and Con- tribution 2. There exist data gaps in ascer- taining contribution towards economy, revenue generation, employment generation, sub- scription figures etc in the broadcasting sector which relies heavily on industry stud- ies to carry out research and estimates. What should be the parameters, targets and insti- tutional framework for mea- surement? Provide your com- ments with detailed justifica- tion. Also provide the indica- tive metrics used for calculat- ing the targeted figures, if pos- sible. Universal Reach, Indigenous Manufacturing, Skill develop- ment andStartups ecosystem 3. Please suggest the strategies to be adopted by the Government and industry for propelling the growth of broadcasting sector w.r.t. the following: i. Provisioning of affordable television services in 'TV Dark' households; ii. Augmenting R&D capabil- ities and promoting indig- enous manufacturing of broadcasting equipment; iii. Employment generation with emphasis on skill Issues for Consultation
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