TelecomLive April 2024
New Broadcasting Policy 69 TelecomLIVE April 2024 iv. Es t ab l i sh i ng a po l i cy framework for conducting radio audience measure- ment in India v. Encouraging multiple agencies to ensure healthy competition and enhanc- ing service quality of mea- surement and methodolo- gies vi. Adoption and utilization of modern technologies Grievance Redressal Mecha- nism 17. What other strategies should be adopted in the policy docu- ment for ensuring a robust grievance redressal mecha- nism to address and resolve complaints with respect to content as well as services effectively? Socio-Environmental and DisasterResponsibilities 18. What role the broadcasting sector should play to fulfil social and environmental responsibilities? Provide in detail the key focus areas and the strategies the sector should consider. Also provide strate- gies on the following specific issues: i. To empower Person with Disabilities (PwDs) to access the information and e n t e r t a i n m e n t programmes ii. To encour age gende r equality w.r.t. the partici- pation and safety of the womenworkforce iii. To raise awareness about the issues of marginalized t r i b a l c ommu n i t i e s , minorities andLGBTs iv. To adopt green broadcast- ing practices 19. Keeping in mind the immense role of broadcasting during disasters, how can the latest technologies be effectively utilized to provide disaster alerts and timely updates on television/ mobile/ radio dur- ing disasters? Combat Piracy and Content Security 14. What additional measures should be adopted to combat piracy and ensure content security through copyright protection in the broadcasting sector? How can the technol- ogy driven solutions be devel- oped and deployed to prevent unauthorised distribution and detection of the source of origi- nal content. Digital Terrestrial Broadcast- ing 15. What policy and regulatory provisions would be required in the policy to enable and facilitate growth of digital terrestrial broadcasting in Ind i a? S t akeho l de r s a r e requested to provide strategies for spectrum utilization, stan- dards for terrestrial broad- casting, support required from the Government, timelines for implementation, changes to be brought in the current ecosys- tem and the international best practices. Audience Measurement and RatingSystem 16. How the s t ra t eg i es wi th respect to audience measure- ment and rating system in National Broadcasting Policy can ensure, address and encourage: i. Establishment of a trans- parent, credible, and tech- nologically equipped tele- vision audience measure- ment system that accu- rately reflects viewer pref- erences and behaviour ii. Expansion of the sample size to adequately repre- sent the diverse landscape of television viewership, considering the antici- pated growth in TV house- holds iii. Integration of data from non-linear sources from digital media to cover cross-platform content consumptionhabits growth of animation, VFX and post-production segment? 11. What strategies and measures should be included in the policy for the music segment to enhance infrastructure devel- opment, upskilling artists and financial certainty and to resolve other challenges being faced by artists? What steps should be taken to encourage the global promotion of Indian music and artists? 12. What measures and strategies should be included in the NBP to encourage expansion and ensure orderly growth and sustainability of FM Radio Stat i ons and Communi t y Radio Stations in the various cities of country including hilly and border areas? Inwhat ways the policy can facilitate the integration of digital radio technologies into the existing FM radio infrastructure to improve audio quality, func- tionality and spectrum effi- ciency? Policy andRegulations 13. With the continuous advance- ment of technologies and con- vergence of the telecom, IT and broadcasting sectors, what policy and regulatorymeasures are required, beyond the exist- ing ones, to facilitate the growth of the broadcasting sector with ease of compliance? Elaborate your comments with proper reasoning and justifica- tions to the following issues: i. To enable healthy and competitive environment amongst the existing and emerging services and ensuring parity among comparable distribution mediums, while being technology neutral. ii. To allow and encourage infrastructure sharing among the p l aye r s o f broadcasting and that with the telecomsector. iii. Any other suggestion for po l i cy and regul atory framework.
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