TelecomLive April 2024

37-43.5 GHz bands 71 TelecomLIVE April 2024 quency ranges between IMT and SatelliteGateway links - (i) Whether there is a need to prescribe a protec- tion/ keep-off distance between IMT stations and Satellite Earth Station Gateways? If yes, what should be the protectiondistance? (ii) What other parameters should be prescribed for the coexistence of IMT a nd S a t e l l i t e Gateway links? 13. Wh e t h e r t h e v a l u e o f spectrum in 37–37.5 GHz, 37.5–40 GHz and 42.5–43.5 GHz spectrum bands be derived by relating it to the auction determined price/ value of spectrum in any other band by using spectral efficiency factor? If yes, with wh i ch s pe c t r um band , shou l d these bands be related and what efficiency factor or formula should be used? 14. S h o u l d i n t e r n a t i o n a l spectrum prices i.e. the auction determined price/ r e s e r v e p r i c e o f o t he r countries in 37–37.5 GHz, 37.5–40 GHz and 42.5–43.5 GHz spectrum bands serve as a basis for the purpose of valuation of these bands? If yes, what methodology can be followed in this regard? 15. Apart from the approaches highlighted above which other valuation approaches should be adopted for the valuation of 37–37.5 GHz, 37.5–40 GHz and 42.5–43.5 GHz s p e c t r um b and s ? Please support your sugges- tions with detailed method- ology, related assumptions and other relevant factors, etc. 16. Whether the value arrived at by using any single valuation approach for a particular spectrum band should be taken as the appropriate value of that band? If yes, please suggest which single r a n g e s s h o u l d b e combined for applica- bility of spectrum cap? What should be the spectrumcap(s)? 8. What should be the roll-out obligations for the assign- ment of spectrum in (a) 37- 37.5 GHz, (b) 37.5-40 GHz and ( c ) 42 . 5-43 . 5 GHz frequency bands for IMT? 9. Whether the e l i g ibi l i ty conditions and associated eligibility conditions for participation in the auction for 37-37.5 GHz, 37.5-40 GHz and 42.5-43.5 GHz should be kept analogous to the eligibility conditions and a s s o c i a t e d e l i g i b i l i t y conditions for participation in the auction for spectrum for IMT, as defined in NIA 2024? In case your response is in the negative, sugges- tions may kindly be made with detailed justification. 10. To mitigate inter-operator interference due to TDD- b a s e d c o n f i g u r a t i o n , wh e t h e r t h e a pp r o a c h adopted for 3300-3670MHz and 26 GHz bands should also be made applicable for the frequency ranges under consideration viz. 37-37.5 GHz, 37.5-40 GHz and 42.5- 43.5 GHz or some other p r o v i s i on s n e e d t o b e created? In case you are of the opinion that some other provisions are required to be created, suggestions may be made with detailed justifica- tion. 11. Whether there could be any challenges in sharing of 37.5-40 GHz and 42.5-43.5 GHz spectrum frequency ranges between IMT and Satellite Gateway links? If yes, what challenges do you foresee and what measures could be adopted to mitigate such challenges? 12. In case it is decided to share (i) 37.5-40GHz and (ii) 42.5- 43.5 GHz spectrum fre- should be assigned for a validity period of 20 years, as prevalent in the existing frequency bands or for a shorter validity period? In case you are of the opinion that a shorter validity period should be adopted, please suggest the validity period? 5. Whether the spectrum in (a) 37-37.5 GHz, (b) 37.5-40 GHz and (c) 42.5-43.5 GHz frequency ranges should be assigned for the existing licensed service areas (LSAs) for Access Service (i.e. Telecom Circles/ Metros) or it should be assigned for smaller service areas? In case you are of the opinion that the spectrum in these bands should be assigned for smaller service areas, please suggest the criteria for defining such service areas? 6. What should be the block size, and the minimum quantity for bidding in (a) 37-37.5 GHz, (b) 37.5-40 GHz and (c) 42.5- 43.5 GHz frequency ranges? 7. Wh a t p r o v i s i o n s w i t h respect to the spectrum cap per service provider in a LSA should be made applicable for the frequency ranges under consideration viz. (i) 37-37.5 GHz, (ii) 37.5-40 GHz and (iii) 42.5-43.5 GHz for IMT? Specifically - (a) Whether there is a case for a combined spec- trum cap for 26 GHz band (24.25-27.5 GHz) and t he f r equenc y ranges under consider- ation? If yes, what should be the spectrum cap? (b) In case your response to (a) above is in the n e g a t i v e , wh e t h e r spectrumcap should be prescribed separately for each f requency range viz. (i) 37-37.5 GHz, (ii) 37.5- 40 GHz and (iii) 42.5-43.5 GHz or these f requency