TelecomLive April 2024 [ News Bytes ] 76 TelecomLIVE April 2024 Microsoft in a partnership eventuallyworth$13 bn. But the Amazon investment in Anthropic is not just a simple equity stake. Like Microsoft's investment in OpenAI, it includes getting access to AI systems and commitments to provide computing power. But it stops short of the high-value acquisitions that could trigger an antitrust review. In a key part of the partnership, Anthropic agreed to build its AI using specialized computer chips designed byAmazon. US, EU eye Chinese legacy chips in renewed semiconductor accord The US and the EU committed to extend by three years their cooperation on identifying disruptions in the semiconductor sector, with a particular emphasis on mainstream "legacy" chips from China. The two sides concluded a two-day session of their Trade and Technology Council with a l2-page joint statement on themeeting's outcomes. It said the two partners would share market intelli- gence about "non-market" policies and practices, which they argue prevail in China and consult on planned action to address distortions on the global supply chain. The two partners have also committed to join forces in research to find alternatives to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in chips. The "forever chemicals" do not readily break down and studies show they canharmhumanhealth. Karnataka to hear plea seeking an end to labour exemption to IT The Karnataka labour commissioner's office has agreed to hear a plea, after the general election, seek- ing to end the exemption granted to the IT/ITeS sector fromIndustrial Employment (StandingOrders) Act. The development comes after hundreds of IT employees in Bengaluru, under the banner of Karnataka State IT/ITeS Employees Union (KITU) are demanding that the Karnataka government do away with the exemption given to the IT/ITeS sector from like leather goods and ayurveda products are also gaining traction. T h e U S r e m a i n s Amazon's biggest market f o r I n d i a n e x p o r t s , besides markets like the UK, Canada, Japan and Germany, among others. Ama z on ha s , o v e r 2023, announced several partnerships with the central and state govern- ments to give a fillip to exports. In November 2023, it signed a MoU wi th the Di rec torat e General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to co-create capacity- b u i l d i n g s e s s i o n s , training and workshops for MSMEs across 75 districts identified by the DGFT. Amazon invests $2.75 bn in ChatGPT-rival Anthropic Amazon said that it has added $2.75 bn to its investment in Anthropic, a start-up that competes wi t h compan i e s l i ke OpenAI and Google in the race to build cutting-edge AI systems. The invest- ment comes six months after Amazon invested $1.25 bn in Anthropic, making the San Francisco start-up Amazon's most important AI partner. Amazon said at the time that it had the option to bring its total investment to $4 bn. Anthropic's valuation tripled to $15 bn in just a year. Anthropic was started in 2021 by a group of r e s e a r c h e r s f r o m OpenAI, the company that created the ChatGPT chatbot. At the time, many of those research- ers were concerned about OpenAI growing closer to the Act and extend the law to the sector, thereby allowing fair service con- ditions to employees regarding working prac- tices, including termina- tion, layoffs and leaves. TCS inks 7-year deal to transform Den- mark-based Ramboll's IT infra TCS has signed amulti- million-dollar strategic partnership to transform the global IT infrastruc- ture of Ramboll, an archi- tecture, engineering and consultancy company. Over the next 7 years, TCS w i l l mo d e r n i s e a n d streamline Denmark- based Ramboll's IT oper- ating model to drive busi- ness growth and optimise the IT cost base. TCS will also deliver s e r v i c e s t o ma n a g e Ramboll's cloud and data c en t r e s , app l i c a t i on development & mainte- nance, cyber security and digital workplace. As part of this partnership, TCS said it will also induct more than 300 Ramboll IT employees in 12 coun- tries. Operating across 35 countries, Ramboll offers sustainable solutions to enterprises. Winzo Games records Rs 120 cr operating profit in FY23 Homegrown social- gaming startup Winzo Games posted an operat- ing profit of Rs 120 cr in FY23. Winzo Games also saw its revenue grow 182 pc fromRs 242 cr in FY22 toRs 687 cr inFY23. The turnaround can be attributed to its multi- g a m i n g p l a t f o r m approach and micro- transaction model. Fur-
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